
The Google March Core Update: A SEO Rollercoaster Ride (But Did We Get Cotton Candy?)

04/27/2024 12:00 AM by iLoveKeyword in

Remember the good ol' days of SEO? Keyword stuffing, anyone? Yeah, those tactics are about as relevant as dial-up internet these days. Fast forward to 2024, and Google's keeping us SEO folks on our toes with core algorithm updates like the March Core Update. Was it a friend or foe? Did we emerge victorious with pockets full of ranking wins, or did we leave the SEO battlefield feeling like we just rode the world's most intense rollercoaster (minus the cotton candy)? Let's buckle up and dive into the post-March Update landscape.

Is the Google March Core Update Over? Ranking Rollercoaster Ride for SEOs!

Google's March 2024 core update is complete and was finished rolling out on April 19 ¹ ². The update was a significant one and overlapped with other big changes, resulting in a 45% reduction in unhelpful content. The update began on March 5, 2024, and took 45 days to complete. Google said that this core update is more complex and involves changes to multiple core systems, while also ending the standalone helpful content update. Google also updated its help center page to outline how site owners can debug drops in Google Search ranking and created a new feedback form for site ranking changes. Additionally, Google rolled out the March 2024 spam update and released a number of manual actions related to pure spam issues. The update resulted in a 45% reduction in low-quality, unoriginal content in search results, which is higher than the expected 40% improvement. Google encourages feedback from users and site owners and will continue to work to reduce low-quality content in search results.

Here are some key points about the updates:

  • The March 2024 core update is complete and was finished rolling out on April 19.

  • The update began on March 5, 2024, and took 45 days to complete.

  • The update is more complex and involves changes to multiple core systems.

  • The update resulted in a 45% reduction in low-quality, unoriginal content in search results.

  • Google updated its help center page to outline how site owners can debug drops in Google Search ranking.

  • Google created a new feedback form for site ranking changes.

  • Google rolled out the March 2024 spam update and released a number of manual actions related to pure spam issues.

  • Google encourages feedback from users and site owners and will continue to work to reduce low-quality content in search results.

The Great Google Giveth... and Taketh Away

The March Core Update, shrouded in a bit of mystery as always, aimed to prioritize high-quality content that genuinely benefits users. Here's what SEO fans might have gained:

  • Content is King (Again!): Remember that time content wasn't king? Yeah, me neither. The March Update reaffirmed the importance of well-written, informative content that addresses user needs and pain points. Think of it as creating content so valuable, users wouldn't dream of leaving your website without reading every single word (and maybe even sharing it with their friends).

  • Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EAT) Take Center Stage: Google wants to show users content from credible sources. So, if you're an expert in your field with a proven track record, your website might have seen a ranking boost. Imagine your website transforming into a trusted advisor, offering users the best possible information on any topic.

  • Long-Tail Keywords: Your New Best Friend: Forget chasing those high-volume, ultra-competitive keywords. The March Update favored content targeting long-tail keywords (more specific searches with lower competition). Think of it as going after the niche interests within your field, where you can truly establish yourself as an authority.

But Wait, There's More (Not Always Good News)

The March Update also threw some SEO curveballs:

  • The Click-Through Rate (CTR) Conundrum: Some websites with seemingly high-quality content saw ranking dips. The culprit? Maybe a low CTR (click-through rate) on search results pages. This suggests users might not be finding your titles and descriptions enticing enough to click. Back to the drawing board for crafting those attention-grabbing headlines!

  • The Mobile Maze: Is your website mobile-friendly? If not, the March Update might have shown you no mercy. With mobile search dominating the landscape, Google prioritizes websites that offer a seamless user experience on all devices. Think of it as making sure your website looks fantastic and functions flawlessly, no matter what screen it's viewed on.

  • The Content Conundrum: While high-quality content is king, there's a chance some websites with fantastic content (but lacking in EAT signals) might have seen ranking fluctuations. The takeaway? Focus on building your website's authority and expertise to complement your amazing content.

The SEO Takeaway: Adaptability is Key

The Google March Core Update (and future updates) are a gentle reminder that SEO is an ever-evolving beast. The key to success is staying adaptable, focusing on user experience, and creating content that genuinely provides value. Think of it as a long-term game, not a quick win. By prioritizing high-quality content, building trust with your audience, and staying mobile-friendly, you can navigate the ever-changing SEO landscape with confidence.